K in Sweden

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Best of K in Sweden #2: Life List

For the second in my "Best of" series...I have decided to go with fun again. Why? Because I want to. I prefer fun and most of my past blogs in other places reflect that. :) I have made a Lift List for a couple years now. It is a way to challenge myself to do things that scare me and encourage myself to do things that will enrich me. I do it only for me...even if I do update it in Blog form every so often.

So far, I have not done a "Things I Have Done List", although I know people who say that both a "Life List" and an "I Have... List" go hand in hand for them. Maybe it is just a little to "K is writing her Memoirs" for me and I am not ready to sit down and sum myself up yet. I have ticked things off though and I continue to add new things.

Age 27

Pull "The Big One" over on Mom and Dad by doing something adventurous with T.

Serve on a committee to raise awareness for CFIDS.

Climb (hike up) a mountain to raise funds for CFIDS.

Make a snow angel on a glacier.

Camp a night on a glacier. (Preferably not alone.)

Drop a Twizzler into an active volcano.

Wash my hair in a hot spring.

Have my Masters by age 30. (Or maybe 35...)

Do a field study in another country. (Not Sweden. Not USA.)

Beat my fear of The Ocean. (Done...now I just have to get out more than a few miles from land. )

Go on 5 spontaneous trips.

Be King of the World on top of a Pyramid. Get a kick ass picture of said moment.

Serve on an International committee for environmental concerns. (Work in progress...and loving it)

Ireland with Dad.

Italy with Mom.

Cooking class in Italy.

My List scrapbook.

Get Yaya to zorb with me!

Spend a night in a museum with my niece.

Take Nephew Bam Bam to see the Yankees.

Spend the night in a Haunted Hotel. (Again...not alone.)

Volunteer to play in the dirt at an archaeological dig.

Get lost for a weekend with my sister.

Habitat for Humanity – Women Build

Do the theater thing.

Wash and elephant.

Tell a story about a dragon.


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