K in Sweden

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Go ahead...Make my day!

I was in the kitchen making myself a cup of relaxing tea and a small snack (Translation: Coffee and like half a Diam cake) after a mellow day of reflection (Translation: I sat on my ass all day and watched YouTube clips of Ghost Shows) and I suddenly remembered a really funny moment in the grocery store the other day.

First a little back ground: About a month ago my sister and I surprised my mother and father with a cat. No, I am not kidding. My sister went to the local humane society and picked out Freckles, a 4 year old domestic short hair and drove her the hour and a half North to my parent's house...where she prompty ran from the carrier to the basement and hid for the next 2.5 weeks. During that time we found out that a newspaper article had been written about Frecks back in May and told the story about how she was originally adopted from a German shelter and brought to the US but later surrendered to the humane society in NY because she did not gel well with a couple of new pets. Yes folks, my parents were the proud new humans of Freckles: International traveler and most famous cat to never come out of the basement. She has since adjusted, formed bonds with my parents and enjoys endless hours being totally insane with her crinkle balls and demonstrating various killing techniques on tiny toy mice. She seems to be eager to convince my parents that she could kick a live mouse's ass but, in truth, I think it would just send her right back into the basement. Yes, Freckles is doing well, is loved to bits and will probably have my room by Christmas.

So...onto the funny story...I was in the store getting hibbits and snippits (Translation: This and That) for dinner and seemed to get myself near a mother with her small son everywhere. I watched as little Stephan (blond hair, blue eyes, red shirt, jean short, sandels with socks and a covered in enough dirt to tell me that he plays like it is his purpose on this planet) THREW yogurt, pickles (Glass jar. I flinched.), tomatoes (There was a SPLAT as they landed. I did not dare look.) and other things into the cart. Then, near the checkout, I watched him pick up a bag of cat food and bring it to his mother.

Imagine the following conversation:

Mother: Stephan, we do not need that.
Stephan: Why?
M: We just don't. Go put it back.
S: We need it.
M: No, we do not. That is for kitties and we do not have a cat. Put it back.
S: I need it.
M: No, you do not. Do as I say, little man.
S: But...
M: Stephan, we do not have a cat.
S: Oh.

* 30 second pause while the wheels turned*

S: Momma...where do we buy a cat?

I love little Stephan. I really do. And, I m sorry, but I think his mother left herself WIDE open for that one. All I can think is...Give him about 25 years and he might just pull a Freckles. ;)


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