K in Sweden

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Best of K in Sweden #3: Dame Edna and I have far too much in common

A good friend, total doll and here after to be referred to as CHIC does a blog about being Ex-pat way over here and has been posting about shoes and Swedes lately. I know..not exactly two things that go together in an Ex-pats mind since Swedes have a rather...interesting...relationship with shoes. They take them off everywhere so they tend to have impractical and ridiculous shoe sense when they do wear them. I have yet to find a shoe store that I am totally in love with here. Which is tough because I am a wide footed woman with a love of shoes that seldom gets satisfied. But when it does...it is downright bloggable. That is what I did a few months ago...as CHIC's blogs reminded me. The same week, I happened to walk through a local mall and see one of the most interesting shoe designs I have seen in awhile. (See photo.) The worst this is, they were hideous enough for me to snap a photo but NOT the fugliest I have ever seen. (That makes them...what...average?) I call that synchronicity at it's finest!

Anywho and without further ado...a "Best of Blog" about Shoes...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.

~ Dame Edna Everage

That Dame Edna is a wise, wise woman. Wait...man...in drag...as a...female character. Oh hell, Edna rocks! And given what prompted me to find a good laugh at yourself quote, she and I seem to have a little too much in common. Both nutty chicks who appreciate a good laugh at their own expense.
As you all know, I bought shoes last week. I blogged about it so ya'll better know. Well, the thing is, I forgot to break them in one day this week. So today after my evening shower, I threw them on to wear around the house for an hour or so. Just to loosen them a bit before they become like little sexy torture devices for my interview. Anywho, as I was hanging up my phone after calling my sister I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Picture it: Pink jammie bottoms, a purple thermal shirt covered by a black t-shirt, stripped socks and black pumps. I took one look at myself and fell into a 10 minute long laughing fit.
Come to think of it, I think Edna might be better dressed.
Before any of you ask...No, I did not get a photo. You all will just have to imagine it.


  • At September 24, 2009 at 7:47 AM , Blogger Mahitable said...

    "CHIC" loves it! a bit late on the draw , but what a story! Glad I inspired you to re-post it!
    THat pink ruffle-y shoe there......hmmmmm....I kinda like it in some weird sick way....maybe I've been away from home too long,or maybe just because I like the idea of wearing it to a Swede's home and saying," You wouldn't want me to have to take off THESE now , would you?!"
    I LOVE the Dame Edna story! I am imagining it, big time! LOL!


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