Confessions of an emotional baker
Hello, my name is K in Sweden and I am an emotional cook and baker. I have solved literally hundreds of problems in the time it takes me to bake a cake or make a batch of cookies. And, with the exception of anger, that goes for most strong emotions as well.
I come from a long line of folks (men and women) who know their way around a kitchen and were known to find their way there when emotions were running high. They also express love through food. So maybe it is in my blood. I might have adopted it because we tend to gravitate towards things that tie us to family and roots when we need to center and focus. I remember that I started doing it fairly young, so it could very well be that was looking for a healthy outlet.
I have heard stories of my Granddad calling members of the family and telling them that he had baked them a cake or cookies and then when they got there, he had 5 or 6 cakes or 10 dozen batches of cookies lined up on the counter and was waiting for various family members to come pick them up. They would then find out that he and my Grandmother were in an argument and he had gone into binge baking.
I have never really made 15 cakes when I am upset but I do understand the drive.
I come from a long line of folks (men and women) who know their way around a kitchen and were known to find their way there when emotions were running high. They also express love through food. So maybe it is in my blood. I might have adopted it because we tend to gravitate towards things that tie us to family and roots when we need to center and focus. I remember that I started doing it fairly young, so it could very well be that was looking for a healthy outlet.
I have heard stories of my Granddad calling members of the family and telling them that he had baked them a cake or cookies and then when they got there, he had 5 or 6 cakes or 10 dozen batches of cookies lined up on the counter and was waiting for various family members to come pick them up. They would then find out that he and my Grandmother were in an argument and he had gone into binge baking.
I have never really made 15 cakes when I am upset but I do understand the drive.